So here we are. Blogging. Something I swore I would never do. And that's because I thought, and still do to a large degree, that blogging is a somewhat narcissistic waste of time, since a lot of people blogging out there are just wasting space talking about what they ate for breakfast or quoting song lyrics to share with all the rest of us the even more compelling experience of their little heart breaking over some boy or girl or what have you. Not only that, but it pisses me off that so many people seem to think their life is so important they need to advertise and discuss it on the "information super highway" (dorky), so everyone can know all about them. Plus, blogging is just way too trendy for me. I'm not that hip. I don't like sushi, I don't do Photoshop, I don't own a digital camera, and I don't send people endless streams of photos of myself and my other cool friends, drunk as hell at some random bar.
Either way, here I am. Call me a fuckin hypocrit, that's ok. But really, this blog is motivated by a desire to not necessarily have anything particularly important to say, and yet at the same time, address some certain topics that are in fact pretty important. Like...the lost concept of 3rd wave feminism. And also to rant and bitch about things that I think a lot of people can relate to. No mundane details about my life, no stories about Rice Krispies or ex-boyfriends. Just straight up top-of-the-head truth serum. A perfect reflection of my super dorky, contradictory, and brutally honest personality. Enjoy.
Blog on, sistah! Blog on.
I am looking forward to hearing many a rant on things like "appreciation", "vaseline intensive care" and all the awesome shutthefuckupwhatthehellareyoutalkingabout verbal smack-ups you'll be doing.
Love ya guts! ~L
oh hello! this is kellen fo! you may remember me from humanities 325. or perhaps PARTY ISLAND! in any event, i am quite excited that i have yet another avenue with which to experience your "you-ness" as those photographs i like to fawn over are a bit out of date! hooray!
oh, and if you're interested, my blog is certainly one of the aforementioned i'mhipandtakephotosofmyselfandtalkofheartbreakshitfests... ENJOY.
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